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Fit over 50!

Posted on 2024-07-11 by Carol Cabal

I started racing triathlons at the age of 51.  I was never really an athlete in my younger days except for my short stint as a varsity swimmer in my university where the only medal I ever “won” was a bronze for a team relay.  (thanks team!).  So former school-mates were cheekily shocked when they […]

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We are hiring: Full-time Head Trainer for Boutique Gym

Posted on 2024-07-08 by Markus

Location: Joo Chiat, Singapore Deadline to apply: August 3, 2024 Singapore citizens and Permanent Residents only Our Team Culture: Tribody Fitness is an independent boutique gym operating in Joo Chiat since 2018. We have a small team of mature and professionally certified Trainers who design our proprietary fitness programs. Our mission is to provide inclusive […]

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Stu’s 2020 Health Journey

Posted on 2020-12-24 by Ann-Marie Pereira

by Stu King 2020 was an unusual year for just about everybody on the planet… to put it mildly. Profound changes came in wave after wave. We all felt like we lost control over our lives. In the midst of all this though, I realized that no matter what, we still have control over: 1) […]

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Fitness and Immunity

Posted on 2020-11-05 by Markus

As we all resume more and more normal-looking lives, it’s still key to remain … well, healthy. And in times like these, immunity matters more than ever. So, what does exercise have to do with it? Moderate physical activity supports immunity, as many studies have found. But can you overdo it? Can too much of […]

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Muscle power for a longer life?

Posted on 2020-02-26 by Markus

We all know that exercise is good for you. But what kind, exactly? New studies indicate a surprising result: the amount of muscle power is related to a longer life. What is muscle power? It’s about how fast you can move (moderately heavy) things. That is somewhat  different from how much maximum weight you can […]

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TriStrong : Increase your Lean. Phase 3, Hypertrophy

Posted on 2020-02-18 by Ann-Marie Pereira

Your favorite class, Max Strength is coming to an end and we’re heading back to building lean mass. This is Strength Phase 3 of NASM’s OPT (Optimum Performance Training) model. If you’re wondering why our workouts cycle between the phases, it’s because of the General Adaptation Syndrome in which our body gets accustomed to the […]

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Minds and Muscles

Posted on 2019-10-19 by Markus

Muscles work because your nerves are commanding them to do so. No wonder then that both the brain and the nerve connection have a huge influence on training. How huge? In studies, researchers could show that subjects were able to train muscles that had been immobilized in a cast just by thinking about moving the […]

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Bands vs Weights … Why Bands are awesome!

Posted on 2019-10-06 by Ann-Marie Pereira

Ever since I made my acquaintance with flat resistance bands, I have become a major proponent of band training. Many regular and fit-looking exercisers (but not Band users) who have set foot in Tribody Fitness get this surprised “OMG” look on their faces when they first experience a band exercise and even more so, a […]

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