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Fit over 50!

Posted on 2024-07-11 by Carol Cabal

I started racing triathlons at the age of 51.  I was never really an athlete in my younger days except for my short stint as a varsity swimmer in my university where the only medal I ever “won” was a bronze for a team relay.  (thanks team!).  So former school-mates were cheekily shocked when they […]

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All you need to know about our new FlowStrong class

Posted on 2019-03-04 by Carol Cabal

What is FlowStrong? FlowStrong is a 1-hour metabolic conditioning class meticulously put together by Tribody Fitness. It is a high-intensity whole-body workout. You will go from one exercise to the next with little rest in-between. You will continue to burn calories long after you finish the class. What kind of exercises can I expect in […]

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Yey! Our First Bootcamp! The Pilot

Posted on 2018-08-15 by Carol Cabal

Whew!  We finally held our first bootcamp last Saturday – thanks to all our friends who came to spend their Saturday morning with us to get pumped up!   You are the first to use our brand new toys – the GIANT rubber bands (a.k.a. resistance bands) – Ann’s fave!  I thought that the work-out was […]

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